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Altar Servers


To be an altar server is a special honor and a great privilege for boys and girls in the Catholic Church.

One can look upon being an altar server as a special and unique ministry by which you, a young person, can help to spread the word and the love of Christ through your actions and words.

The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. This is done through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation by active participation in the liturgy by their actions, singing of hymns, responses of the people, looking alert and sitting or standing at the appropriate times.



The Parish Choirs are an important part of regular worship at St. Cecilia in every Sunday and Saturday Masses.They have also participated in several Festivals throughout the year and special celebrations during the year. There are the following choirs: English Choir, Gospel Choir, Spanish Choir.

Rehearsals are held on... from .... and are directed by the Choir Director. Anyone interested in joining the Parish Choir please call the Rectory.

Eucharistic Minister


Eucharistic Ministers are members of the Assembly who assist in the distribution of the Eucharist. Typically, Eucharistic Ministers can also distribute Holy Communion to those in prison, or to those who are sick and unable or incapable of attending the Mass, thereby providing love, support, and care to others. Technically, Eucharistic Ministers are “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion”

Eucharistic Ministers must be a person of deep faith who believes that the Eucharist is truly the Body and Blood of Christ.

Eucharistic Ministers are also required to be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the church .Training and formation sessions are offered.



True hospitality is a spiritual ministry. Development of a deeper understanding of Christian hospitality and the supporting skills requires a faith commitment to our very diverse community at St. Cecilia.

Hospitality ministers must promote and cooperate with efforts to encourage social fellowship among church members as a whole. Christian hospitality draws people together, opens them to participation, and sets the tone for the liturgy.

The ministry of hospitality is crucial because it is so visible in the Church. Certainly the attitude, conduct and even the appearance of the minister of hospitality directly affects, either positively or negatively, the experience of the faithful at Mass.



When you answer the call to be a minister of the word or Lector, you enter a deeper relationship with the word of God as revealed in sacred scripture. You take upon yourself the duty and privilege of bringing the printed word to life – making it flesh, so to speak.

Our ministry, as a reader gives voice to God’s healing and strengthening word as it goes forth, achieving the purpose for which God sent it. In every sense, you become a prophet – one who speaks for God.

If you share the passion to want to know more about God’s word and want to share your time and talent of “speaking” God’s word, please consider becoming a Lector!









St Cecilia parish

Saint Cecilia & Holy Agony Church

Church: 120 East 106th St.
Parish: 125 East 105th St.
New York, NY 10029
Phone: 212.534.1350
Fax: 212-410-6177

Giving to St. Cecilia







































Schedule Direccions
Saturday Vigil Masses
Confessions: 3:30 pm
  5:00 pm English
  7:00 pm Espanol
Sunday Masses 9:00 AM English
  11:00 AM Español
  1:00PM Español
Monday to Friday 8:00 am Bilingual
Wednesdays 7:00 pm English